Super Violy - The Consultant and her Beloved Venezuela

Colombian Violy McCausland is still a queen in Latin America, and we are not talking about a pageant queen. For more than 20 years, her experience in the area of mergers and acquisitions has led her to advise multiple Venezuelan, Mexican and Colombian business people in their hunts for great business in the region. Oswaldo Cisneros, Carlos Slim, Carlos Gill, Lorenzo Zambrano, Juilio Mario Satodomingo, Rafael Zubilaga, Gustavo Cisneros are just a few of the people to whom she has given the benefit of her expertise. One of Violy’s Venezuelan clients explains: “Violy has that brilliant way of relating to power with an individual touch”.

McCausland is always on the wish list of all the wealthy Latin American businessmen who visit New York. Her experience and reputation are so great that she can and does handpick her clients.